You Can Conquer Perfectionism
& Take Control of Your Life
Do you regularly put pressure on yourself to achieve unrealistic expectations?

Do you worry that no matter what you do, it’s never good enough?

Do you struggle to accomplish routine tasks because you’re worried about failing?

If this sounds like you, there’s a good chance you’re a perfectionist… and it’s time you took back control of your life.
You Can Conquer Perfectionism
& Take Control of Your Life
Do you regularly put pressure on yourself to achieve unrealistic expectations?

Do you worry that no matter what you do, it’s never good enough?

Do you struggle to accomplish routine tasks because you’re worried about failing?

If this sounds like you, there’s a good chance you’re a perfectionist… and it’s time you took back control of your life.
Perfectionism can result in unnecessary stress, anxiety and overwhelm, which can lead to self-shame and even depression.

But there’s something you can do to overcome it, and I’ll show you how.

Hi, my name is Kristen Carder. I'm a Certified Life Coach, and I've helped hundreds of adults with ADHD identify and overcome their perfectionistic tendencies.

I can help you, too.

I created a four-part video series that will break down what you need to know about ADHD.

In this FREE 4-part video series you'll learn:
  • What exactly perfectionism is
  • Why (the hell) adults with ADHD are perfectionists
  • How perfectionism holds ADHDers back
  • What we can do to curb perfectionistic tendencies
Most importantly, you'll gain the awareness and the tools that you need to truly untangle yourself from the clutches of perfectionism.
What do ADHD and perfectionism have in common?
Recent research shows that perfectionism is the most frequently endorsed distortion of adult ADHD.

This might look like:

  • Procrastinating to avoid starting something that's difficult or unclear
  • Making a to-do list that NO human could ever accomplish
  • Quitting when things don't go well (or before you even start)
  • Beating yourself up for your very human mistakes 
  • Editing and/or polishing something for far too long (…and now it's overdue)
  • Spiraling in shame and self-loathing when things go wrong 
  • Staying small, not taking risks, not growing into your full potential in order to avoid failure 

If you relate to any of this, my course on perfectionism is for YOU.
Send me the course!