Procrastinating? (Spoiler: ALL ADHDers do!!) How to Stop Procrastinating begins in FOCUSED on May 6th! 

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Kristen Carder is the host of the #1 ADHD podcast, a globally recognized certified Life Coach, and creator of the hugely successful Focused membership: a coaching program for adults with ADHD. She’s an enneagram 8 + manifesting generator + Di (DISC) + ENTP who has harnessed all of that fire into figuring out how to thrive with ADHD, and now teaches other ADHDers to do the same.

Kristen is looking for a magical unicorn to fit into a hybrid role:

Chief Operating Officer + Executive Assistant + Emotional Support BFF

Kristen Carder is seeking a senior executive to be tasked with overseeing the day-to-day administrative and operational functions of her online business. Kristen has extensive business and team leadership experience. Rest assured, you’re not joining the team of a novice and you won’t have to clean up a bunch of messes when you come on board. You’ll be the right-hand to a seasoned entrepreneur who has got the backend of her business together and knows how to lead a team.

Kristen Carder

A perfect fit for this position would be someone with the following qualities:

  • Proven experience as an EVA and/or Chief Operating Officer and/or relevant role
  • Confidence in leading a diverse team of contractors
  • Commitment to working FAST and getting sh*t DONE
  • Earnest in following SOPs and loves nerding out on all things business
  • Outstanding organizational abilities
  • Resourceful and loves to figure things out
  • Aptitude in decision-making and problem-solving
  • Fastidious, demanding, completely-anal attention to detail
  • Internal urgency to complete work and fulfill promises to clients quickly
  • Working knowledge of online business applications and/or eagerness to learn WordPress, Stripe, Asana, Acuity, Slack, Libsyn, YNAB, Ontraport, etc.

You are NOT a good fit for this position if you:

  • Are looking for something temporary
  • Are prone to procrastination and/or are easily distracted and overwhelmed
  • Are growing your own business on the side or have a lot on your plate already
  • Are unable to take initiative and lead with a get-things-done-attitude
  • Don’t enjoy the excitement/stress of tight-turnarounds and big launches
  • Don’t have compassion for neuro-divergent folks
  • Aren’t willing to tell and hear the truth
  • Are super easy going and think little mistakes are no biggie
  • Are no fun

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Understand and navigate the backend of the business better than Kristen
  • Collaborate with Kristen on big-picture concepts and decisions for the business
  • Daily oversee the operations of the membership is everything functioning properly?
  • Daily oversee customer service. We have hundreds of clients. Are they being served and cared for?
  • Anticipate problems and solve them before they’re even an issue
  • Willingly extinguish fires as needed – is the website down? Is a client unhappy? You’ll know exactly how to solve these problems and will execute confidently
  • Brief weekly meetings with Kristen to ensure that the vision is being carried out
  • Communicate with Kristen throughout the week during working hours as needed andrelay duties/responsibilities to support staff accordingly
  • Function as a loyal confidant to Kristen
  • Function as a trusted coparent to Kristen’s baby (this growing business)
  • Function as the last stop in the chain before we are public facing the final check the last set of eyes to ensure we are on brand and operating to the highest standards
  • Work with team members in a project-management role as needed to ensure theoverall vision of a launch or idea is being carried out. Team members include: 2 virtual assistants, a web development team, an IT help-desk person, a podcast editor, a facebook ads manager.

Quirks and Perks:

  • This is a part-time position with varying hours. Approximately 20-25 hours per week depending on what’s going on in the life of the business (Is there a launch this month? Are we updating the website? Is there a “fire” to put out?)
  • Kristen is in Eastern Time and would prefer to work with someone who is in North America so that time zones line up during working hours
  • Paid time off (some limitations apply)
  • Regular reviews and raises
  • No need to track hours this is a retainer/salary position
  • Competitive salary (happy to negotiate)
  • 90-day trial period as a contractor after which the option will be available to beonboarded as an employee
  • If you and I are a perfect match, I will constantly raise 2 things: The ceiling of your position and the salary of your position


Interested? Of course you are! Here’s your next step:


Take your personality assessment here OR
Investigate your enneagram type here


Email ASAP with the subject line “COO/EVA/BFF Applicant



  • A recent photo
  • Your Instagram handle
  • Your top 3 favorite podcasts and/or the last books you read
  • Your Enneagram type and/or your personality type from
  • A brief summary of your relevant work experience
  • A paragraph on why you think you’d be an amazing fit for this position
  • Date you’d be available to start
  • Anything additional you want Kristen to know


Want to know what Kristen stands for? Of course you do! Keep reading…

I Have ADHD/Focused Ethics and Values

Definitions & Differences

EthicsEthics take a principled stance that helps you to distinguish between right and wrong. Their purpose is to confine activity under moral obligation, and they don’t change over time.

Values A value is a perspective by which someone evaluates the importance of anything. Values help with evaluating what is important for each individual, and they can change with time.


People First – We demonstrate genuine kindness, understanding, and care for the livelihood of others. There is a firm commitment to doing the most good while causing the least amount of damage.

Truth We will not censor ourselves. We will tell the truth and receive the truth even when it’s ugly or uncomfortable. We will hold space for multiple truths to be present at one time.

Integrity – We are committed to doing things honestly. We will do the right thing, simply because it is the right thing to do.

Trustworthiness – We keep promises and fulfil commitments to our clients and employees. Respect We have respect for employees, contractors, and clients. All opinions are valid, and each individual is treated as an equal.

Responsibility – We recognize the responsibilities we have to our clients and employees. We have a responsibility to lead with our ethics and values, and make decisions that benefit all involved with the company, not just certain individuals. As the company leader I also have the responsibility to model the standards we hold.

Equity Each Focused member will be treated with the same amount of care and be given the same resources and opportunities.

Inclusion – In Focused, there are no “ins” and “outs” – we will not create cliques or popularity groups. No one will be discriminated against based on their age, race, gender, sexual identity, or any other identifying factor. All are valued. All are welcomed. All are loved. All are invited to participate in whatever ways feel most comfortable to them.


We value Open-Minded Thinking We recognize that our perspectives are shaped by our culture, upbringing, age, location in the world, and many other factors. We VALUE diverse opinions in this group. We don’t have to like the same things, hold the same political beliefs, or agree on everything in order to respect, value, and learn from each other. *Please note, this does not mean that any form of discrimination will be tolerated in the name of “opinion”; it will not.

Diversity Focused members are located all over the world. Our group is diverse and we celebrate what makes each of us unique while uplifting our shared ADHD experience.

We value Gray Area While ADHDers tend toward black and white thinking, in Focused, we prioritize the gray. We are willing to be open to new ideas and we welcome the discomfort that comes with being surrounded by people who view the world differently.

We value Fun & Humor– We don’t take ourselves too seriously. We are optimists and we love to have fun. We laugh often and we laugh LOUDLY.

We value Community In Focused, community means that we have a shared ADHD experience. We have commonality around the diagnosis and experience of ADHD. Regardless of our differences, the ADHD experience is enough to connect us in a deep way.

We value Self-Responsibility We believe that each human has been gifted the ability to take care of their own needs and get what they came for in the Focused program. We are committed to creating an environment that empowers members to tap into their own internal authority.

In addition to the ethics and values mentioned above, these are the values specific to the employees and contractors of the I Have ADHD/Focused Team:

Speed. We value quick work. We get things done fast.

Massive Action.We are productive people who prioritize getting shit DONE.

Responsive Communication. We get back to our clients and fellow team members right away. We never leave someone hanging during business hours.

Loyalty. We are loyal to Kristen, to this company, to our clients, and to each other. On this team, we have each other’s backs.

Being Direct.We say what we mean and we mean what we say. We don’t hold back from each other. If there is a problem or something that needs to be addressed, we say so.

Ownership. We treat this company like it’s our own baby. We anticipate problems and solve them in advance because we care deeply about the work.

B- Work.The Focused team is committed to modeling imperfection for each of our clients. We will not withhold value from clients in the name of making it perfect first. This comes at the cost of letting go of our egos and not waiting until our work is completely polished to allow it to impact the world.

Want to print out this job description? Click here…

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