I HAVE ADHD PODCAST - Episode #265

May 28, 2024

Travel Smarter: 5 Essential Tips for ADHD-Friendly Vacations

Welcome to the episode where we dive into making vacations enjoyable and low-stress, especially if you have ADHD. Today I’m sharing my personal experiences and practical advice on how to manage ADHD during your travels. Here’s what we cover:

1. The Importance of Rest and Planning Ahead

  • Learn why it’s crucial to balance relaxation with careful planning.
  • Tips on making decisions in advance to minimize stress in unfamiliar environments.

2. Avoiding Overload

  • Discover strategies to avoid sensory and activity overload.
  • Hear about my own family trip to Zion National Park and the lessons we learned.

2.1 Mindful Financial Planning

  • Advice on managing your budget to prevent financial stress.
  • Understanding your financial limits and planning activities accordingly.

3. Prioritizing Individual Needs and Comfort

  • How to prevent burnout by prioritizing your own needs and comfort levels.
  • Setting boundaries and recognizing your limitations to avoid exhaustion.

4. Essential Travel Tips

  • Check medication regulations and ensure you have enough for your trip.
  • Packing essentials and staying hydrated to keep your body and mind in check.

5. Disconnecting from Work

  • The importance of unplugging from work to fully enjoy your vacation.
  • Tips on how to engage in leisure activities and strengthen connections with loved ones.

Join us as we explore these tips and more to ensure that your next vacation is both enjoyable and manageable. Let’s make sure you come back feeling relaxed and grateful!



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Kristen Carder

Welcome to the I have ADHD podcast, where it’s all about education, encouragement and coaching for adults with ADHD. I’m your host, Kristen Carter and I have ADHD. Let’s chat about the frustrations, humor and challenges of adulting relationships working and achieving with this neurodevelopmental disorder. I’ll help you understand your unique brain. Unlock your potential and move from point A to point B.

Hey, what’s up, this is Kristen Carter and you’re listening to the I have ADHD podcast. I am medicated, I am caffeinated. I am regulated and I am ready to roll. Today we are talking about how to have an amazing vacation. Even when you have ADHD, vacation season is approaching. And you know, a lot of people are planning to go away this summer. I am actually not one of those people, we decided that we won’t be traveling this summer. But I’ll get into that a little bit. But I wanted to give you some tips, five tips specifically to having an amazing vacation. Even when you have ADHD, I think this can actually be pretty hard for us. And if you’re planning to go away, maybe you’re visiting family, maybe you’re doing a staycation, hopefully you are taking some time off of work, even if you’re not going anywhere, hopefully you’re taking some time off of work to just be and chill. I totally hope you’re doing that.

But I think it can be really, really hard for those of us with ADHD, to first of all, make plans for vacation to follow through on plans and to actually have a good time and not come back super hung over. One of the things that I’ve always struggled with in my life was resting and playing now, I’ve gotten so much better at this. But I used to go away and be stressed out about work, I used to go away and not be able to relax, I used to go away and completely neglect the things that helped me to thrive in the world. And so this podcast is for my past self for the version of me who needed a pep talk on like, Hey, here’s how you go away and you have a vacation that doesn’t totally burn you out. So I hope that it’s going to be helpful to you. I hope that it’s going to be fun for you to listen to and I truly do hope that you are taking some time off to rest this summer. Before we get started though, I wanted to shout out one of my clients.

If you don’t already know this, I have a coaching program. So I’m a twice certified coach. I work with adults with ADHD I have a group program called focus. It is an amazing community of adults with ADHD. In the program, you get courses that are completely binge worthy. live coaching calls at least three a week, sometimes as many as five a week. And a whole community of support of ADHD hears from all over the world. Lots of different demographics and different people from different places coming together under the common umbrella of having ADHD. It is the best we love it so much. And I just wanted to shout out my client, Daniel, because he recently posted in our share your wins channel and I thought it was so amazing. He says I just finished my first focus workbook. The self concept and identity course was just what I needed. At this point in my life. I was honestly afraid that the magic of affirmations wouldn’t work for me. I’ve been doing them day in and day out since starting ADHD treatment.

They felt ethereal and tangible and inaccessible. Even though I did so much work to make them realistic and true. The self concept course brought all of that quote unquote, magic gnus out of the realm of fantasy and made it all practical. I feel so empowered and full of agency. I know I can change the way that I think about myself and in turn, change the world around me. Now for the next course how to coach yourself. Let’s go. This is so fun. Now, I want you to understand that not every person that comes into focus is a workbook person. Not everybody does the courses and that’s totally fine. I’m constantly saying just pick and choose treat it like Netflix. Nobody punishes themselves for not watching every single video on Netflix. Just choose something that looks interesting and go for it. But every once in a while we get people who are down for the workbooks. And Daniel is one of those people and it’s just so fun to hear how a course that I recorded a couple years ago is still impacting our members. It’s so fun. If you want binge worthy courses, live coaching calls on the daily and a community of people who are ready and willing to surround you and encourage you you’ve got to check out my Coaching program focused. Go to I have adhd.com/focused to learn more. I would love to include you. I would love to see in there today. I would love it. I’d love nothing more. All right, let’s talk about it. Let’s talk about vacations with ADHD. Let’s talk about how hard it is to make a plan.

There’s so much executive functioning that goes into making a plan, following through on the plan, not over fantasizing the plan and making it so full of activities that you come home completely hungover. I want the theme today to be how can you plan a vacation that doesn’t burn you out? How can you make sure to plan a week away or a week at home? That does not force you to live outside of your capacity for a straight seven days? Like why do we even Okay, let’s say it’s even a staycation? Why are you going to create 17,000 projects for yourself during a staycation we have this fantasy of like, oh, just be able to get all this work done. But what you really need is a nap. And that’s the point of vacation anyway. So I’m gonna encourage you to take it, I am getting better at relaxing part of this is that my kids are getting older, when you have little bitty kids, there is no relaxing, you are just parenting, you are trying to Team these like wild creatures just in a different location. So it’s like the stress is still there, the sleepless nights are still there, the resistance to eating food and complying and all of that is still there. It’s just in a different location.

So it’s actually less comfortable to do it when you are a parent of little kids. Greg and I stayed home a lot. When we were parents of little kids, we just did not have the capacity. We had three little boys. That’s just a different situation, the first two of which are divergent, the first of which never played by himself, never never. And so we had to entertain him constantly. And so we just had a different breed of children. It seemed then like the rest of the world, which I just did not understand, like, why am I the one that gets a different breed of children.

But I think it’s pretty obvious why I think it’s pretty obvious why it’s the neurodivergent brain. So anyway, we spent a lot of time at home, we did a lot of staycations, we would just like take the week off of work and just stay home, we would take the kids to the pool, we wouldn’t really plan much. But now that they’re older, we really do enjoy traveling, we really, really do. The last trip we took we went to Florida, with the kiddos and we spent spring break, just laying on the beach and swimming at the Airbnb pool. And it was so much fun. And I was thinking, wow, we’re really getting good at this after 20 years of marriage, we’re finally getting good at taking vacations. So I wanted to give you some of the tips that I use to ensure that we have a good time that I have a good time that I don’t come back hungover that I don’t need an entire week to recover from my vacation. So the first thing is, number one, make a plan.

This can be the hardest thing because your executive functioning as an adult with ADHD is deficient and planning. Prioritizing and organizing is one of those skill sets that are really, really difficult for those of us with ADHD. It’s okay if you’re not good at making a plan, but you do need to make one so who can you rely on to help you? Is your partner neurotypical? And are they willing to help? Hopefully they are hello if it is their vacation as well? Could you ask your best friend to help you do you have an assistant that could help you? You’re gonna need to make a plan. There’s a lot that goes into planning a vacation. And part of the reason why we didn’t travel when the kids were little was because I was so overwhelmed at the idea of making a plan. I wasn’t taking my ADHD very seriously. I wasn’t trading it. I wasn’t getting help for it. And so I really did not know how to make a plan. There’s so much that’s involved, especially if you have to like get on an airplane like what this is complicated. So I really encourage you to think through and do the heavy lifting in advance. This is one of the themes of this episode is do the heavy lifting in advance. But what I mean by heavy lifting is do the planning, prioritizing and organizing from your couch.

This is the best place to be making those decisions. This is the best place to be thinking things through is when you’re not in a foreign location. It’s when you’re not having to make decisions on the fly is when you’re not like you know with your Three children in an airport trying to figure out XYZ like No, try to make as detailed of a plan as possible in AD Vance. One of the coolest trips that Greg and I took was last summer. So that was the summer of 2023. We took our kids to the Pacific Northwest, which we had never been to neither of us had ever been to. And we were so thrilled. So we went to a Olympic National Park. And we spent five days there. And we had to think through so many things we had to think through flying to Seattle, renting a car, finding an Airbnb near Olympic National Park, which is really, really hard. We ended up staying in the nicest Airbnb that I could find, which was a double wide trailer. Like, that was it in a town where the nicest restaurant was inside of a gas station, okay, like, I’m not joking. It was so remote. It’s actually the town that Twilight was filmed in Forks, Washington, it was so beautiful, but so so so remote. And so there were so many things that we had to think through and we just made a plan for every day.

The first day we went to the ocean. The second day, we went to Hoh Rainforest. The third day, we went to Lake Cresson. It was incredible. Then we went back to the ocean, we went to Ruby Beach, it was just like, so amazing. But there was a lot to think through. We’d never been there. It was so remote. The thing that we did not plan well was the food. We just figured like, oh, there’ll be food there. We did go to a restaurant. And we got there. And the sign said no one under 18 allowed in the building. They did not allow anyone under 18. I guess they served alcohol. And it was just the rule in the town. It was a VAR. And so adolescents weren’t allowed to either. And so we did not do a good job of planning food.

We ended up going to the grocery store, getting frozen pizzas, we like peasants, it was totally fine. It was still just like an incredible experience. After that, we flew to Las Vegas, one of my family members had a panic attack on the strip, because it was too overwhelming for their nervous system, I believe.

Then we drove to Utah. And we spent a couple days in St. George Utah, and we went to Zion National Park, there was so much planning involved. We spent weeks and weeks planning this trip. And we did mostly an amazing job. But I want you to know, again, the heavy lifting was done prior to going we planned out every day. It was a lot. It was annoying. It made for a great trip other than the food in Forks, Washington, which was so bad. I remember making mozzarella sticks in the oven and just being like this is it. This is fine. Stolen, we’re just gonna make mozzarella sticks. And that’s what we’re eating for dinner tonight. Okay, so the first tip is make a plan, make it as detailed as possible. If you’re not good at making a plan, try to rely on someone who is the next thing that falls under the umbrella of planning is money. Money is such a thing when it comes to vacations. And I think we have drama on both ends of the spectrum when you don’t have much money.

There’s of course drama about like, hey, everyone else is doing this thing. They invited us to go we don’t have the money to go. That sucks. And I have been in that position. That sucks. Oh, that sucks so much.

On the other end of the spectrum, some people have a lot of money, but they feel guilty spending it on vacations. And so wherever you fall between those two spectrums, I just want to invite you to kind of sit with the reality. What is reality right now? How much do you want to spend? How much do you personally feel is reasonable? If you don’t have much money, but you still want to do the thing? Are you willing to put it on the credit card? And if so, what’s your plan for paying it off? And will you please promise not to beat yourself up for doing that? If you do have a lot of money, and you want to spend it on vacations, but you’re just not sure how much sit with your partner if you have one and discuss it, what’s reasonable? What do we feel like is reasonable? What percentage of our income do we want to allocate to vacations and fun.

And again, make sure you don’t beat yourself up for that we can spend so much time beating ourselves up. That’s not a good plan. That’s just no fun. Let’s just make peace with either spending or not spending the money before we go again. This is under the umbrella of the theme of do the heavy lifting before your vacation. do the heavy lifting before you go part of that heavy lifting isn’t making peace with the money that you’re going to spend or not spend on this vacation. So often what we do, and what I did was kind of bury my head in the sand and say it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, I’m just going to spend it I’ll deal with the aftermath later. And again, this is so unkind to the future self, this is so unkind to the version of me that has to get home from vacation and deal with whatever like a huge credit card bill or deal with the shame of spending money that I didn’t have without being mindful of it. I just want to pause here and say, like, Hey, if you put it vacation on a credit card, I don’t judge you for that. But are you doing it mindfully, are you making that choice, with intention, and knowing how you’re going to pay it off? Are you making that choice with like, covering your eyes, and you’re just like, Lala, I’m just going to do it, and I’m not going to pay attention to it, I’m just going to deal with it later, I’m gonna let future mean deal with the fallout of it. Because that’s not cool.

Don’t do that to yourself. That’s no fun. So I would just really encourage you to make peace. ahead of time, we’ve been using YNAB as a budgeting tool for a while now. It’s yn A B, it stands for you need a budget 1589 a month, I used to not budget at all. And I I have been very consistent for over a year now, with budgeting and listen, I deserve applause and a metal and all the things for this because I spent decades not budgeting but anyway, what it has helped me to do is spend money without guilt. Because I have a vacation section of our budget. And I can, you know, put money into that envelope so to speak. It’s kind of like an envelope system. It’s just as a glorified spreadsheet.

But anyway, I’m allocating money, I’m saving money in the vacation pot. And then I just know that we have X amount of money to spend, and I can spend it without having drama. And I really encourage you to make a plan for your spending so that you can spend the money that you have earned without drama, without beating yourself up without feeling like you, for some reason shouldn’t be spending this money like no, it’s your money, you earned it, you’re allowed to spend it. It’s just making peace with that ahead of time, so that you’re doing the heavy lifting before you go, and not having to deal with Fallout afterwards. Ah,

okay, so you’ve made a plan for your vacation, you’ve made a plan for your money. Step number two is consider your neuro diversity. Okay, now, this, this is like, while you’re making the plan, you really need to consider your note neurodiversity. Like what works for you, what doesn’t work for you, what makes you feel comfortable, what makes you feel uncomfortable? What makes you come alive and really feel rested? What drains your capacity? Remember, your neurodivergent adult, even if you are going away with a group of people, you still have to consider your own neuro diversity. So for example, early flights, they’re not for me, they are not for me, we do everything we can to avoid an early flight, I would so much rather just spend a whole day traveling.

Like I’m not the person who wants to travel overnight, so I can get to the place and like get up and go like that is not I will just be so depleted if we make that choice. So if we are going somewhere with a group of people, and even if that is their plan, that cannot be my plan, I have to plan around my neurodivergent brain, I have to make sure that I’m making a plan that’s within the confines within the boundaries of my own neurodiversity. And so part of my work as a grown up with ADHD is to make sure I’m making good plans for myself, keeping my ADHD in mind. Another thing is, I’m going to need to get to the place the fastest way possible. So if there’s a flight that is maybe really cheap, because it has a long layover in between two flights, it’s a no from me, I would rather wait to go on the trip, and save more money to spend on a direct flight. Does that make sense? So I’m willing to delay the gratification of the trip in favor of having a direct flight so that I don’t have to sit in an airport for four hours, six hours waiting for the next flight to like that is a no, that is a huge, huge No. So I consider my neurodiversity in that way. You also need to think through like do you want to be in a relaxed environment like the beach or an exciting environment like a European city like what’s going to give you life?

What’s going to give you energy and again, we’re thinking about when You get back? How are you going to feel? Are you going to feel hungover? Are you going to feel depleted? Are you going to feel like you need a week or two to recover from the vacation that you had accepted, now you have to go to work, because that’s not what we’re looking for. So like, what works well, for you and your brain, consider your neurodiversity. Another part of this, which I’ve already said, You’re gonna make as many decisions as you can ahead of time. But this time, I want you to think it through in terms of it is difficult to make an on the spot decision when you’re in a different environment, and you are a very impulsive person. So as an adult with ADHD, you’re going to be impulsive. And so decisions when you’re outside of your comfort zone, they can be so overwhelming. And again, I just want to encourage you make as many decisions from your couch as you can, as many decisions from your couch as possible.

This even goes into what I was talking about earlier with planning your days building and rest time building and your play time. And this leads me to step number three, consider your capacity. Oh, this one is huge. So step number one, make a really good plan, including planning your money. Step number two, consider your neuro diversity. Step number three, consider your capacity. This is so huge. And if you’re a parent, bringing kids along with you, you’re going to need to consider the capacity of your kiddos as well. So for me, personally, I have finally understood about myself that I do need alone time, I consider myself an extrovert, I really am a people person, but I get depleted pretty easily. And so I need a lot of alone time to recharge even from people that I adore, even when we go away with family, and I’m like have the best time ever, I still need alone time to rest and recharge. So when we go away with a group will do vacation, sometimes with Greg’s family, which is really fun, I still need to make sure that I am considering my capacity. So when we go away with people, and they have the ability to just go go go go go plan one day after the next after the next day.

That doesn’t work for me, I wish it did. I always did. It would be so great if it works for you. But it does not work for me. I need to have days in between where I’m just having downtime, or at least like a full morning where I can just like putts and do nothing. So I often will say no, to really fun things when we go away with a group. And this is very sad. This is very sad, because I do have FOMO. Because sometimes, like I don’t want to miss out on stuff. But when multiple events are planned day after day, I know that that’s actually depleting to me. So then I get I just really start to struggle, I really do.

And and I can push through it. But I know that when I get back, then I’m going to be trashed, I’m going to be totally exhausted. And again, I want to get back from a vacation, feeling energized, feeling filled up, feeling like I am ready to start working on Monday, that is a huge priority for me. I want to return from vacation, feeling 100% Ready to dive into work on Monday. And so if that is not the case, and I am not in, like at my job, being here with you, coaching and focused, that means so much to me, and I can’t do that when I’m depleted. I carry a lot of weight, I hold space for a lot of people. And so I need to make sure that I’m prioritizing like my own energy, my own getting filled up my own relaxation so that I can come back and be ready to pour into people. Monday morning, come Monday, I need to be ready to roll as the saying goes. And so if there are a lot of things planned, I really, really, really consider my capacity. And I will often say no. And you know, like let’s say we’re away with family. Greg has so much more capacity for that stuff than I do so much more. And so he will take whatever kids want to go and I will stay back and it’s no big deal. He has really adapted thank goodness to just understanding me and he doesn’t hold it against me. So he’ll just be like stay home. It’s no problem. And he doesn’t guilt me for it which I highly highly recommend you asking your partner not to guilt you for your capacity.

So he doesn’t guilt me for it, but he’s just like no prob. And that’s that so I will stay back. I will I in my bed, I will watch a movie, whatever, it’s totally fine. Part of this is needing to communicate your own needs to the people that you’re going with. So maybe that’s just your family, maybe it’s like your immediate family, your partner, whatever, letting them know that it’s not about them. But it’s about you, hey, I’m not going to hang out today. It has nothing to do with you. I’m just feeling really tired, and I need to stay back. Those are things that I’ve said, that’s something that I said this last summer, it felt terrible to say it. But I did say it like, hey, this has been amazing, I am not able to come today, because it’s just been a lot for me, I need to stay back and rest. And that’s that, like, again, living as an autonomous neurodivergent adult can be really, really difficult because taking care of yourself, often doesn’t fit into the typical mold.

So when everyone else has the capacity to do something, but I don’t, I can feel feelings about that. I can feel like, they’re gonna judge me, they’re gonna feel like I don’t want to be around them. They’re gonna think I’m just being a baby. They think I’m making excuses. I have all those thoughts, just like you have all those thoughts. But at the end of the day, I still need to take care of me. because ain’t nobody going to take care of me like this as my job. Nobody’s going to notice that I’m tired and say, Oh, honey, you seem tired. You should really not go with us tomorrow. Because you know, you, it seems like you could really use some time alone. Nobody’s gonna say that, to me. That’s my job. And that’s my job to notice. And to say and to express and to take ownership of, without blaming anyone else. Like it’s nobody’s fault. It’s not I’m not gonna get mad at anyone. It’s just like, hey, I know this about myself. I need to honor this about myself.

Here’s where I’m at has nothing to do with you. I’m gonna catch up with you tomorrow. Okay. Here’s something that I learned the hard way. Speaking of honoring capacity, is that if you go away with children, you’re going to need to honor their capacity. And that is something that we did not do so well, when we went to Utah last summer. So like I said, we spent a couple days in St. George. And it was a 45 minute drive to Zion National Park. So we spent I think two different days in Zion National Park. It was incredible.

beyond words, if you’ve never been, I highly recommend if you are a if you’re a national park nerd, like I am, we always joke that like, sorry, kids, you’re never going to go to Disney worlds ever. We’re going to national parks and my kids are not appreciative of that. But it is what it is. Anyway, we did not honor their capacity. We required them to hike a lot more than they wanted to. And the older two did pretty well with it. My oldest was totally fine with it. He was such a trooper, he was down for it. middle guy pretty much same. Youngest, not so much. And not so much. Not so much. He will still say we didn’t do much hiking in Zion, and I’m never going to hike again. I have little legs and you didn’t listen to me. It’s so much cuter when he says it. He has little legs guys. He has little legs. And I we really did some crazy hikes. We did Angels Landing.

If you want to do a quick Google because you have ADHD and you’re just curious. We did Angel’s Landing. It was crazy. Now of course we did not have our kids do none of us did the crazy part of Angels Landing but we did all the way up. So many back and forth back and forth. I mean, there were so many switchbacks. I can’t even describe it. Actually, I just looked at the stats of Angels Landing, hike. It’s a 5.4 mile round trip hike. The elevation is 1488 feet, it takes two to four hours to complete. I swear it took us four. And I mean my my nine year old at the time do it. That’s kind of mean. And he’s never forgiven me. And he may never hike again. Like I may have ruined it for him forever. And so consider the capacity of your kids, y’all. And don’t make the mistake that I did where I’m like, he’ll be fine. He’ll be fine. He’ll be fine. We’re like Look at this gorgeous creation. I can’t believe we’re here. He’s gonna think someday like no he not gonna think someday he always gonna be mad at us for that. And we spent a lot of time carrying him a lot of time carrying him on that hike. But anyway, make sure that you’re considering your own capacity and you’re considering the capacity of your kiddos. You don’t want them hating you forever. Because you made them hike Angels Landing at the Each of 10 with very little legs.

Okay, number one, make a really good plan. Number two, consider your neurodiversity. Number three, consider your capacity. Number four, do not neglect your basic needs, everything still applies while you’re on vacation, maybe even more so because you’re out of your comfort zone. So make sure that you’re planning to bring your medication and a word to the wise, make sure that you get refills of your medication prior to going so that you and perhaps your neurodivergent children have enough medication for the duration of the trip. We were in Florida, as I said over spring break. And one of my kiddos was out of medication and I was like, Oh, I totally thought that he had enough. I forgot that he takes two a day of this particular medication, not one. So when I checked it, I was like, Oh, he’s got plenty. No, he didn’t have plenty. So we had to have the prescription transferred to the pharmacy in whatever Fort Lauderdale. They’re still calling me by the way to make sure that I get refills for him, which is really annoying because I don’t live in Florida, please leave me alone. But anyway, make sure you have enough medication to take with you. Just so you know different parts of the world have different regulations around medication.

But for the most part, if you keep your medication in the original prescription bottle, you’re good to go you may want to check with you know, if you’re going out of the country, especially in Europe, I think they’re a little bit more vigilant about medication, especially stimulant so you may want to check the regulations if you’re going on a European vacation, but I have done some googling on this and especially if you’re traveling within the US you just need to make sure it stays within the original prescription bottle and you’re good to go. Remember your vitamins your supplements your ag one travel packs, they’re so convenient to bring on vacation I do it every single time it’s so helpful to me.

You’re gonna need to drink water I now pack my gigantic Stanley which is so embarrassing. I think I’ve shared on here that it’s not my fault that I drink out of a Stanley I know that I’m just like a basic white suburban mom, but it’s not my fault they were given to me. And then my water bottle broke like even after the Stanley was given to me I did not use it because I was like I refuse to be one of those white suburban mom that drinks out of a Stanley and takes her emotional support water bottle with her wherever she goes. And guess what?

Now, now, I can’t live without it. So stupid. And I do bring it with me when I travel. Even when I’m traveling internationally, I jump out of the water I pack like underwear or socks or whatever in it, it goes into my bag and then I have my water bottle with me wherever I go. And I know I need to drink two of these 40 ounce water bottles in order to not get a headache because my ADHD medication makes it so that I’m super dried out. And I will often get headaches if I don’t drink enough water. Now, when is the worst time to keep track of this on vacation? Which is why do not neglect your basic needs. If you have a water intake requirement like I do, you have to be great to plan.

What’s your plan to do because headaches on vacation are no fun. They’re no fun. So make a list of the things that are your basic needs. And again, if you’re traveling with kiddos especially neurodivergent kiddos, you’re going to also want to make a list of their basic needs. What do they need in order to feel safe and comfortable, and like their nervous systems are not freaking out and they’re whether it’s ADHD or some other diagnosis that it is still being cared for and treated while you’re away. Make sure that basic needs are considered. Okay, we’re going to review again because we have ADHD. Step number one, make a plan. Step number two, consider your neurodiversity. Step number three, consider your capacity. Step number four, do not neglect your basic needs. And step number five, this is the most fun, give yourself permission you’ve planned. You’ve done all the heavy lifting as much as you could in advance. So when you are on your trip, give yourself permission to relax, to have fun to unwind, to just have the best time to chill to connect with your family or your friends, to read for fun to play on your phone to do all of the things that you maybe judge yourself for doing when you are not on vacation. And especially give yourself permission not to work.

If you are like me, and you feel very connected to Your work, and either you love it or you feel obligated to it to different things, I love my work, but you might feel obligated to it. Give yourself permission not to work, take your email app off of your phone, block all of your work calls, set away messages on your what is it called, there’s a fancy term for it. But I’m going to call an away message, set away messages for your email, let people know that you’re not available. And don’t check your work stuff. Give yourself permission to disconnect, this is so important. And it’s something that I really struggled with up until the last couple years. And so if you struggle with it, too, just know that you can get better at it, you can practice it, you can disconnect your brain and your body from your work. And just enjoy the sunshine.

Enjoy the trees, enjoy the beach, or wherever you are enjoying nature, lay in a hammock and chill, drink an adult beverage by a pool, enjoy every second of it. And do not let your intrusive thoughts bring you back to the place of work. Every time they come in. You can just say, I’m on vacation, I’m allowed not to think about that builds connection with the people that you are going on vacation with whether that’s friends or family or whatever, enjoy every second of it. It’s such a privilege to even be able to have this conversation, isn’t it? Like, I think the majority of the world doesn’t really get to rest, doesn’t really get to go on vacation doesn’t really get paid time off. And so the fact that you and I get to have this discussion and really think about how we want to enjoy our vacations, how we want to plan and prioritize and organize them.

What a huge privilege. So I think bringing up some gratitude around that is really, really lovely. It’s really important and it can really help to fuel making a good plan. Because if we’re making a really good plan, fueled by gratitude, that’s going to be a freaking awesome plan. If we’re trying to make a plan, fueled by guilt or obligation or overwhelmed that plans not gonna be as fun but if we can just develop some gratitude around like I can’t believe I get to do this. I’m so lucky to get some time off. I really deserve to rest. You deserve to rest you deserve to relax and have fun. Have an amazing time. I can’t wait to talk to you next week. I will be right here same time, same place and I will see you then. Bye bye.

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