Procrastinating? (Spoiler: ALL ADHDers do!!) How to Stop Procrastinating begins in FOCUSED on May 6th! 

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Accountability: The Path to
Consistent Success

Those of us with ADHD are consistently inconsistent. ADHD is
not a knowledge deficit, it’s is the inability to make
yourself do what you know you should do.
In order
to be consistent and successful, you and I need daily

You probably feel like you
should be able to manage
life without support.

But let me ask you, how’s that working out? Are you reaching your goals? Crushing it at work? In a happy relationship? Financially stable? The parent you want to be?

If not, it’s time to accept that you have a disorder that requires daily treatment & support.


If we don't have the right
support, we will never
reach our potential.

ADHD needs daily management. We cannot go days, weeks, months without treatment + community + accountability or we are at risk for {depression, anxiety, car accidents, trouble with the law, divorce, relationship issues, impulsive spending, debt, financial ruin, underachievement at work, unemployment}.

As for help from a doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist, therapist, coach, friend, or family member.

Are you sure? Take a deep breath and ground yourself in your body.
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