10 Ways to Focus Better with ADHD

If you are here to learn how to focus better with ADHD, this blog is for you! We’re going to talk about the top 10 tips on how to focus better with ADHD when you just can’t figure out how to do it. Tip #1: Get ADHD treatment Anyone with ADHD deserves to get medical…
5 Reasons Coaching Works for Adults with ADHD

You might be wondering, does coaching really work for adults with ADHD? And if it does, how and why does it work? And is it worth the investment? In this blog, we’ll answer those questions! I’m going to give you the top 5 reasons why coaching works for women like you and me — those…
Time Management and ADHD: The Struggle is REAL!

It comes as no surprise that ADHDers, like you and me, struggle hardcore with time management and ADHD. Our brains are super distractable, and it makes it really difficult to focus. In today’s blog, we are going to talk about the REAL reasons why we can’t manage our time, and what we can do about…
Women with ADHD: How Estrogen Impacts Our Symptoms

On March 8th, 2022, I was lucky enough to speak to Dr. Patricia Quinn about women with ADHD and about how estrogen impacts our symptoms. Dr. Patricia Quinn is a leading expert in developmental pediatrics and ADHD, who has written over 20 innovative books on ADHD and other learning differences. She’s also the co-founder and…
Adult ADHD is Real. And it’s a Monster.

One of the problems with adult ADHD is that its symptoms include obnoxious behaviors that all people struggle with once in a while. Things like running late, being disorganized, speaking out impulsively, leaving projects unfinished, and not following through on promises are behaviors that all humans have to battle from time-to-time. This makes it very…
ADHD in Adults (it’s more than you think it is)

When most people think of ADHD, they picture a 7-year-old boy bouncing around his elementary school classroom. ADHD = little kids can’t pay attention. Right? Well, sure. That may be the beginning of the story. But it’s certainly not a complete picture. You see, little kids with ADHD grow up. They go to college and…
My (ADHD) Treatment Journey

There are two takeaways from this blog post that I’m going to share with you up front. Right now. Why? Because you have ADHD and I don’t want to run the risk of losing your attention in the 5 minutes that it will take you to finish reading this post. Ready for the takeaways? I…
My ADHD Diagnosis Experience

Having ADHD as an adult is a very interesting thing. I am a 37-year-old company owner and mother of 3. I am a wife, a musician, a friend, a daughter, and I love to discuss politics. And I have ADHD. I was diagnosed twice, first at age 21 and then again at age 30. Both…
ADHD is Not A “Gift”

Here’s what I don’t understand about ADHD: so few people are willing to acknowledge that it’s a mental illness. The DSM (Diagnostic Statistical Manual) which is used by clinicians and psychiatrists to diagnose psychiatric illnesses classifies ADHD as a disability. Depending on the severity of your ADHD, you may even qualify for government assistance based on when…
How to Survive Grocery Shopping (With ADHD)

The thing that brings me the most dread in my life is the responsibility of keeping my home stocked with food and having meals ready for my family of 5. This has to happen 3 times a day, 365 days a year. Let me stop right here: If you are a man with ADHD who…